Marianne Haug
A person who is most frequently associated with the Immanuel Church staff is Marianne Haug, who has served the Immanuel congregation faithfully from Pastor Haug’s first year (1958) at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Frankford until the death of her husband in 1980. During these decades Marianne had worked in many capacities, and a good deal of the time as a volunteer.
After Pastor Haug’s untimely death in 1980 Marianne assumed the role of principal of the German Language School. The school flourished and grew in enrollments. For her achievement the German government awarded Marianne the Order of Merit Medallion. Today she remains active in the life of Immanuel.
Marianne had officially served Immanuel as administrative assistant for 25 years.
After Pastor Haug’s untimely death in 1980 Marianne assumed the role of principal of the German Language School. The school flourished and grew in enrollments. For her achievement the German government awarded Marianne the Order of Merit Medallion. Today she remains active in the life of Immanuel.
Marianne had officially served Immanuel as administrative assistant for 25 years.