The purpose of the Women's Group/Ladies Guild is to promote fellowship among the women of the Church. We work together for charitable purposes, which include the Adopt a Resident Program of the Philadelphia Protestant Home, the Ingathering of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod (personal items bags), our church and other Lutheran charities.
The Women's Group/Ladies Guild continues to sponsor Project Linus. Members and friends of the Church have donated more than 1000 hand made blankets and quilts, which are given to seriously ill, disabled or traumatized children. The Linus Project is an ongoing project. If you would like to help, have questions, or need yarn, please contact the church office by email or call 215-464-1540. Our group conducts two bazaar events - one at our famous Sauerkraut Supper in November, and one at our Ham Dinner in the spring. Monies raised is distributed to various charities. |